Identifying Re-Occuring Projections/Desires – Desteni Farm = Self Discipline

A point came up with regards to projection when I was watching one of the Latest Desteni Video Uploads. As I watched the video, I was looking at the point of how I keep having this point of desire/projection coming up towards the Desteni Farm. So in looking at why this projection keeps coming up and what is it about myself that I am not yet living as myself that “The Desteni Farm” represent, which is the source for why this keeps coming up. So the point that I am projecting onto the Desteni Farm which I am not living as myself but only desiring to live is the Discipline Self Direction Perfection. Though seeing the point of Discipline as being the key element here. As in terms of how I see discipline, it implies Self Direction and Perfection. So this is the point – Discipline. Which I am not yet living and so rather than actually live and apply myself go into a point of projection, when in fact what I am desiring is not the desteni farm per se but rather Self Discipline, where in I direct myself in Self Discipline everyday, breathing, remaining here and directing myself within Self Discipline as to accumulate and create myself into a being which I ‘desire’ to be. Meaning, when I was on the Farm, I was started to become more effective within my reality, within communication, within practical labour, within information processing, within many aspects of my life. It was like I was actually building myself. And that his occur through constant and consistent application. There is no secret or trick, it was simple constant and consistent application of self within a point of Self Discipline. So this is the point that I am not yet living in my world, but what I am only desiring to live. So cool to see this point.

2 thoughts on “Identifying Re-Occuring Projections/Desires – Desteni Farm = Self Discipline

  1. I can see this as well, specifically when waking up in the morning wherein at the farm I knew that I HAD to get up to go to the horses – and now I simply let’s say ‘have to’ will myself to wake up to simply live and be HERE directing myself instead of being in the dream-world where we often resort into. Cool you share this, I’ll open up the point further linking it to a current experience opening up just now. Thanks for sharing Andrew!

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